school activity calander


Wednesday 1 October 2014

School parliament has got off to a great start

A great start with a new School Parliament!
We had our first meeting this week on 30th  September, when teachers explained the importance of the post and the huge responsibility to do it well and to the best of everyone's ability.

Our discussions were interesting and informative and all classleaders agreed to return to their classes to share ideas and suggestions about ways of improving our school environment, and bring these to the next meeting. Costs and sensible alternatives were a consideration when considering rules or systems that classes wanted changed.

Everyone left the meeting feeling proud and confident they could represent their class well throughout the coming year!
How our School Parliament Works.
The School Parliament  consists of class leaderwho have been voted by their classmates of every class
These  representatives are in post for a year and meet at least twice a term (but usually more) with school leader to discuss different aspects of the running of the school.

Once a year, usually at the beginning of the school year, Parliament Members invite teachers to speak with them about their budgets, roles and decision making processes within the school, to gain a better understanding of how our school runs. This meeting would only last about 5 minutes but the Minister would then report back to Parliament about their findings.
Class leaders  are encouraged to have an understanding of the decision making processes involved with the successful running of a happy, healthy Primary School in today’s modern, technological world.
Keeping every citizen happy is not an easy task, nor is seeing things from another person’s viewpoint!
Thus, Parliament members are encouraged to explore rules and established processes and their importance if a democracy is to be maintained. Hopefully, they will learn that their job isn’t always as easy as it looks and that rules and safety are of paramount importance when considering change of any kind.

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